Happy New Year people! What’s your resolution for 2011?

Howdy people! It’s 2011 and I’m blogging again…who ever thought about this! 2010 was a year like no other but then don’t write off 2011 with its fair share of highs & lows. Thank God!

Each time a new year comes, we all talk about resolutions. We all have some stuff we need to do but just can’t because they are either far-fetched thoughts, habits that are stuck like super glue or fetishes we would like to see ’em come true! Interesting. Everybody has an ass they want to kick, a black-eye they want to avenge, a hobby they think should done away with and a bitch or scrub they want to hitch. The only different thing about us is the way we handle these different situations. Thus we all have New Year’s Resolutions!

Last year, I made a handful resolutions and I was very happy to see some of them come true even though I regret never to have worked hard enough to realize some of ’em, I’m still proud of myself. Some resolutions have made it in the list this year and judging from the strategy I have used this year, I’m optimistic 50% of ’em will be realized. And if you are wondering about the lottery, yes it made the list this year too!

My strategy is to AIM LOW. I vowed never to make unrealistic resolutions coz most of them do not make you any happier even if you achieve them. Let’s say for example you make a resolution that 2010 is the year you will buy yourself a Phantom or better yet a Chrysler 300, and you win it. Technically, you’ve bought it! Sending the text to the lottery number 7 times with each text costing you 60 bob above the normal rates means that you lost a little sum of about 700 bob. But then with the rising price of fuel, parking in town, spare parts and general maintainance of your auto will leave you unhappy. That was just an example.

Aiming low means to look at the available resources at the time you are making the resolution, amount of time you have, definitely not the whole 365 days, and what the effect of the resolution would be once it is achieved. For instance, using the earlier mentioned example, you get to win (or purchase) a Chrysler 300 or a Phantom and you are still paying rent is unacceptable. What the hell is wrong with you? Public housing is a bitch!!! Let’s see, buying a parcel of land in an upmarket location would cost you no more than 5 million bob for an acre. If it does, ask yourself, am I really meant to live here? Building a nice, modern 4 bedroom house complete with furnishing it wouldn’t cost you that much. That would be better than renting a 3 bedroom bungalow for 50K, which in the end will get you putting 600, 000 in your land lord’s bank account. No shit! Or living in your rental ramshackle and parking a Phantom on the front porch…whilst your landlord smiles each month to the bank with his middle finger in the air & his old Beetle telling your Phantom, “in your face bitch.” In 2 years time, you will have paid 2.4 M to your landlord which is equivalent to the resale value of a used Chrysler 300 in the U.S. (definitely by the time the used car gets on the Kenyan road you have parted with at least double the amount if not more).

Seems like we got lost a little but then in the spirit of aiming low, this year, think of things which will make you really want 2011 to count and make the 2012 list so short that you cannot think of other things to do. In his song, Juicy, my favorite rapper of all time, Notorious B.I.G. says “and my whole crew is loungin’..celebratin’ everyday no more public housing..” I suppose all of us should appreciate this thought of aiming low by working hard towards achieving their goals in 2011. Aim low but keep your expectations high as always…and if you don’t know, now you know……….

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